CATs scan - Charl’s age to sickness (or death) scan

Belloc and Breslow predicted longevity and health age based on 7 health principles: I believe that these are still valid today. I add to that some other factors, that further predict longevity, illness and health age I call it - Cat's scan- Charl’s age to sickness or death scan!

The function of this is not to determine your expiration date – so don’t spent all your retirement! – But rather use this as guide to encourage yourself and others. Care for Yourself and others. Implement health principles…. To be there for those we care for!!

Caring heals us! – the antidote to Stress anxiety and depression and burnout and PTSD.

Ask: What do you need to succeed / or to be well ...

Actively listen – with curiosity – Then Enable Others

There is no greater Joy than to enable others – There is no greater pain - Than to do, what others can do for themselves. (including your children)


The first on this list is attitude – our perspective or world view is the most important factor. It not only predicts longevity better than anything else on the list but also determines your happiness and chances of success.

Seeing the glass half empty or half full - that alone is worth 15 years difference in lifespan. Add to that complicating factors like stress anxiety and depression PTSD and Burn out and the gap increase. Stress – survival of the fittest is lethal – Lower rank predicts higher stress and more disease- the corrosive bath of hormones -as Dr. Sapolsky calls it.

We know that the antidote to stress anxiety and depression and burnout is Caring. Yes, LOVE is that important, Love for God (commandments 1-4) and love for neighbor (commandments 4-10) The stress might persist but the harmful results of stress or anxiety is neutralized. There is peace and rest in seeking God in nature and in the Bible. It is no surprise that the 4th command joins the love for God our Creator to love for our neighbor, this gives us Joy and Perspective. - David in Psalm 19 -

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands. - We are Created in Gods image

Not survival of the fittest

The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. Gods Commandments = Joy and perspective

Longevity: Distressed depressed PTSD Burnout and Survival of the fittest - rank low in this attitude score.

Caring Ranks highest - Love Faith and Hope – The most important is LOVE.

It is not the SAT score or money that determines success but Belief and Faith! - I can do all Thru Christ...

I can prove it for you: Joshua and Caleb 2 out of 600 000 men that survived the 40 years in the desert – entered the land Of Canaan. The rest of that generation died in the desert.

My challenge for you: move from rationalism and empiricism to the Relational ...

Negative attitude 1

Neutral attitude 8

Positive attitude 15

Caring attitude 16-18

Faith /belief 16

Loving attitude: Love faith Hope 18


The Second line item is exercise – because it is that important. No, you don’t need to run a marathon. But regular activity is essential. Sitting is the new smoking. (Risk: Lack of exercise = Social isolation = smoking 1 pack /d)

It is interesting that there is such an aversion against smoking but increasingly we are becoming couch potatoes and glued to our screens becoming more isolated. (both inactivity and social isolation each carry independently the same risk for disease as smoking 1 pack /day!!!). Walking or general fitness and also stretching and weight training, doing all these prevent falls and injuries – the number 1 cause of death in the elderly. Weight training at age 60 -70 can keep you out of assisted living 10 -12 years longer. Wouldn’t you like to wipe your own ...? nose for longer?


Never 1

Occasional 5

3x/ week 8

Most days 12

Most days and weight training and stretching 16


Dermatologist / doctors and the suntan lotion industry have left us paralyzed with fear of the sun. While I agree you should never, ever sunburn, always wear a hat outside and limit expose during peak hours (1/4 red time). I believe many more die because of lack of sunlight than due to skin cancer (2000/year) (approximately 200 000 die from cancer alone due to lack of sunlight add to that viral infection, autoimmune disease... …). It is not just UV light but also near infrared light – It is more than Just vitamin D – It Melatonin serotonin and immune regulation Its Nitric oxide and blood pressure ... Never ending list! -anti-inflammatory immune modifying …...did you know 95% of all Melatonin (the strongest antioxidant) is produced at cellular level) Lack of sunlight carries significant increase risk for cancer and metastatic cancer probably in the order or hundred to 1000’s percent increase. Covid-19 death – who survived Florida or NY? It was not the Vaccine! Autoimmune disease like MS … The list goes on and on Yes even when you get covid-19 light therapy is radical reducing total WBC yet increasing selective lymphocytes killing covid-19. (NIR light therapy for covid-19 patients).

Recommendation: Sun exposure guide - ¼ red time, always wear a hat and never sunburn. Get sun light therapy year-round with sun room piece or plastic roofing against an edge of your house and or NIR light. Spend more time outdoors

Appropriate Sunlight on body legs and arms

Never 3

Infrequent 4

Regular in summer 9

Winter and summer 12

Plus, other light: Like early morning outdoors in forest or park or NIR exposure 15


Fast food – fast departure - Quick and easy food has only accelerated our expiration date …

Thanks to industry our meat dairy oil and sugar consumption is at an all-time high, together with our blood pressure and our Hb1Ac

Every time we eat our blood sugar goes up and then drops Up down up… not just our blood sugar but inflammatory markers like CRP. To calm this response, we need to return to our garden relax, prepare and share a meal with our family. There is no doubt the more unrefined plant food we eat the greater the variety the lower your risk for all disease – Including obesity. Even as much as 2 % more plant or 3 % less animal food has a measurable effect on disease and longevity- Most of what we belief about our own diet and how healthy it is, is probably false – based on Industry advertising and industry sponsored studies. (even most nutritionist and doctors are deceived)

Eat a large variety unrefined plant foods 40 or 50 varieties a week include beans nuts spices (like turmeric ginger) flax meal … every day you eat a small handful of plain nuts(raw or dry roasted) your risk for heart attack drops 10% up to day 5 (45% reduction).

Fish, dairy, red wine, Chocolate – Good luck, consider the DDT heavy metals fat sugar caffeine etc.… think again, whose got your dollar... (RISK: benefit)

You can reverse arterial stenosis in months to few years – More importantly you can stabilize vulnerable plaque in arteries almost immediately (Esselstein’s 12 years follow-up)

Main diet (bulk of calories)

Fast food 2

Animal > plant food 6

Plant > animal 8

Unrefined plant based 12

Large variety(40-50/week) unrefined plant based (incl beans spices raw or dry roasted nuts) 15


You can more than half your risk for a heart attack, instantly by just hydrating well. Your risk for bad outcome from a stroke is reduced form almost 1 in 2 to 1 in 10 by just being well hydrated! No tea coffee soda -These increases risk by 50%. Risk vs benefit – Industry: coffee red wine Chocolate eggs dairy - all nonsense all dishonest advertising – stick to water or herbal tea or water rich foods like watermelon.


Early to bed early too rise makes a man healthy wealthy happy and wise...

Regular night time sleep before midnight.

8- 9 hours for adults.

Risk sleeping 2 hours less(6hrs) and natural killer cells decrease 75%.

What are you wasting your sleep time on – Probably the TV Facebook or computer – not worth it. (Linked to depression etc.…)

Lack of sleep will literally make you crazy 1ste like therapy for schizophrenia in the acute setting Is Sleep.

Many neurological and psychiatric diseases are preceded, present and or are precipitated by abnormal sleep.


Routine sleep before midnight 9 no later 10pm.

Take a shower before bed, avoid OH and Caffeine and screen time.

cool dark room (65 F)

I sleep:

Less than 6 hrs. 2

Less than 7 hrs. 4

Less than 8rs 6

8-9 hrs. 10

9 hrs. including 2 hrs. before midnight 12


Could be a symptom or sign of problems with “attitude” diet and exercise

Severe or moderate Obese 1

Underweight 3

Mild overweight 6

Fluctuate 7

Normal weight 12

Tobacco and OH and other drugs- Not worth it …!!

Out of hundreds of studies 1 or 2might show a benefit for OH – like red wine – To show any benefit –They have to exclude: all woman and all men below 40 and above 65 , and all men who already have disease from OH – Minimal benefit, enormous risk – Not only for health but risk regarding choices in life – suppression of frontal cortex similar to Benzodiapam, no wonder college rapes cases 90% alchohol involved – add to that crime and marriage problems and you have Satan’s #1 weapon! Plus, risk for sudden death or imprisonment (suicide depression accidents and homicide…)- The personal and society and financial cost ….

I have seen bountiful negative consequences, first hand from friends, family and working as an ER Physician.

I worked with a lung specialist on the Isle of Wight, He always told me: “I would rather have my children smoke than use alcohol”

USA Cost - 249 Billion in 2010 -

I use:

Both Tobacco and OH 1

OH 2

Light social OH 4

Never used 12


Male: Minus -5

Married +2 Pray with my spouse daily +5

(Free financial advice: Praying everyday with your spouse reduces divorce rate to 1 in 10000! – saves a lot of money!!!!)

Floss daily +1

Own dog +2

Social isolation - 12 (minus12)