Some of Dr. Emilie Van Wyk's books

DISCIPLINE - AN ACT OF LOVE: A Loving Relationship with Your Child Paperback – February 14, 2023
Discipline is teaching, learning, and guiding children gently and with love. This helps children to develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, morally, and spiritually in a beautiful way. Connect with your children and create a meaningful relationship that will build their brains and help them to make healthy and wise decisions. Education can only happen when you have a wonderful relationship. Discipline is a journey, not a destination, it is not a technique, there is no one recipe for it—it simply is—an act of love!Psalm 127:3 “Children are a gift from God they are His reward.”
Gerhard's life story - Christ's Grace is Sufficient for me!
WHAT THIS BOOK IS ABOUTReading this remarkable story of Gerhard’s life takes us through deep valleys of despair and frustration, yet, simultaneously, uplifts us to mountain tops of hope and courage. Gerhard appears in these pages as a conventional human being, with whom we can identify, but then, he surprises us with extraordinary performances: Service and caring for others. His loving wife, Emilie, succeeds in disclosing Gerhard’s life, conveying emotions, ambitions, disappointments and hopes. She explains and contextualizes his initial agnostic skepticism, and the resultant feelings of worthlessness, as well as his negative experiences and disappointments with people, but then again, his strong faith in Christ and his victorious life: He could forgive, displaying his bold spirit and strong character. He was willing to challenge people to move beyond sterile modernism to a creative Christian approach of the postmodern; despite the accomplishments of science, Gerhard constantly expresses awe in the majestic creation of God. Simultaneously, he identifies with those in dire need with heartfelt compassion. Dr. Gerhard van Wyk is an exceptional person – I am glad not to have missed this opportunity to read about his achievements and the unique story of this faithful servant of God. – Rudolph Meyer
God's Dreamer: The Story of Joseph Paperback – Large Print, August 18, 2020
Joseph’s story is a beautiful and fascinating story of a seventeen-year-old boy who was favored by his father, resented by his ten older brothers, thrown into a well in the wilderness, then sold by his brothers to passing slave merchants. Joseph learned the hard way that a beautiful gift given by his beloved father sent his life careening off course. He was once a prince in Canaan, now he was a slave in Egypt. Later, after working ten years faithfully for Potiphar and when he thought everything was starting to turn for the better, then he was innocently imprisoned. No matter how dark the past was for him, his future became brighter than he could ever have dreamed—because it pays to be faithful to God! This story settles gently into the heart of the reader and will inspire young and old with rich meaning!
Beautiful Women Paperback – February 4, 2014
Why write a book on beautiful women? There are so many beautiful things in this world: spring flowers, snow-capped mountains against blue heavens, splendid waterfalls, and scenic landscapes with lush green forests, dazzling deserts, and breathtaking seascapes. None of these, however, can surpass the most beautiful of all God’s creation. What can be more beautiful than a woman’s encouraging smile, the inviting way she empowers others with her cheerful personality? Our destructive society, which likes to think of itself as progressive, has historically belittled females. Even in today's "enlightened" times, it has taken away the beautiful face of women. True, women have been allowed to become leaders in our technological society; however, this has come at a cost. Assuming these positions has, unfortunately, robbed many women of their God-given beauty by rendering them heartless and dictatorial. This book and its authors have done us a great honor by sharing with us the stories of the most beautiful of God’s creation—women! Why write a book on beautiful women? There are so many beautiful things in this world: spring flowers, snow-capped mountains against blue heavens, splendid waterfalls, and scenic landscapes with lush green forests, dazzling deserts, and breathtaking seascapes. None of these, however, can surpass the most beautiful of all God’s creation. What can be more beautiful than a woman’s encouraging smile, the inviting way she empowers others with her cheerful personality? Our destructive society, which likes to think of itself as progressive, has historically belittled females. Even in today's "enlightened" times, it has taken away the beautiful face of women. True, women have been allowed to become leaders in our technological society; however, this has come at a cost. Assuming these positions has, unfortunately, robbed many women of their God-given beauty by rendering them heartless and dictatorial. This book and its authors have done us a great honor by sharing with us the stories of the most beautiful of God’s creation—women!
Beautiful Children: Children Need . . . Paperback – April 6, 2018
Beautiful Children have loving and responsible parents. They have many needs, some of the needs are mentioned in this book. Parents need to care, connect, stimulate their children physically, intellectually, socially, emotionally, morally and spiritually. Especially the early years are very important. It is during the early years that most of the windows of opportunity happen. Children need to experience some significance and be accepted for who they are. They need to learn respect, values, have rules, a set routine as well as responsibilities. Expose your children to reading, music, proper communication and how to handle money. You need to help them to be active and not to spend too much time in front of the screens. In this book is some advice that can be very helpful while you raise your children.