Attitude, perspective, our world view (see in your mind's eye) (This is the best predictor for longevity, success and happiness.) Hellen Keller: The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no VISION.

Stress, anxiety, depression, burnout and loneliness (SAD) are often the result of destructive worldview.

In a world view of survival of the fittest our rank often determines our health and happiness. The lower your rank, the higher your stress – leading to mental, physical and emotional illness – Yes survival of the fittest is lethal!

The antidote to stress (SAD) is LOVE (Caring heals us!) The most important commandment is love your God and love your neighbor as yourself. (Matt 25 sheep/goats) In Caring for others, we get to know (YADA) something about Gods love for us! We become aware of our great need for a Healer and Redeemer. (not Our Good deeds!!)

David in Ps 19 says “the heaven declares God’s glory the skies proclaim His handiwork” – Yes, we were created in his Image – creative human beings, that Love God and others. Yes, David goes on and says: “the precepts of the Lord is right, giving JOY to the heart, the commandments of the Lord are radiant giving light to the eyes.

God wants to restore our VISION. Jeremiah: 29:1 “For I know the plans I have for you to prosper ... Hope and a future.” Gods Vision for us, stand is stark contrast to Satan’s lies - you will know good and evil. – You will be like God. Today, people still believe this lie, Following Descartes- Cognito ego sum (I think therefore I am). Satan blinded us.

Let’s be honest, none of us like being wrong! People today believe in evolution and its pseudo-science – Not because it is a good theory - but because it ties their selfish lifestyle and desire for egoistic FREEDOM. They, like Herodias who beheaded John the Baptist, hate God’s law especially the 4th commandment, it haunts them with the words - Remember … Hence, they created an “idol” an all-loving god who they worship with emotion but no Substance, a god without a face – A god without Justice and Mercy, relying on self. Paul (Romans 10) quotes Isaiah (64: 6) - “Our righteousness is like filthy rags…” In the name of righteousness, they demand and impose pseudo-science, ultimate freedom, extreme feminism and Cain-ism. This destroys our families and world today! Resulting in hate for God’s commandments. Becoming lovers of self and money, loving “mother” earth, more than our Father in heaven. No wonder they justify abortion, euthanasia, hate for the deplorable and suffer gender identity confusion. Liberals hate fundamentalist, they might be opposite of the spectrum but share one crucial element and that is self-reliance- Their knowledge of right and wrong and their judgement of others. This stand in contrast to Faith in Christ as our Creator and Redeemer – Because of our Faith in Christ we Love God and our neighbor and Keep His commandments.

We need to Remember. God’s commandments and instructions are not a burden- They give us “joy and light to the eyes,” to know our sins and our need for our Creator and our Redeemer! Gods’ commandments were not voided at the cross. God and His commandments do not change, “not an iota or a dot.”- according to Jesus in Matt 5; 17-18. If God could change his Law, His Son did not need to die! (God’s Son had to pay the ransom for our sins – God does not change!) It is this attitude of Freedom- not obedience! and independent thinkers, rationalism, the Descartes’s, Cognito, ergo sum, Nebuchadnezzar syndrome (I built the great Babylon!) that results in mental, physical, spiritual and emotional illness and ultimately death! A Challenge for you: move from Hardcore Modernism with its rationalism and empiricism to Caring for others. Protest (protestant) – return to the Bible and Our Father in heaven.

Our bodies need regular exercise (fitness, bodybuilding and stretching), a healthy diet, water, fresh air, a large variety of unrefined plant foods and sunlight (never sunburn!). We need to avoid physical, spiritual and toxic brain injury, like drugs, alcohol, smoking, animal and refined foods. God created us, with freedom to choose! These things take from us the ability to choose true Freedom! Resources: Stress: Portrait of a Killer, National geographic – YouTube (Observe the end- how love and Caring heals us!). Forks over knives - DVD. Vegan and raw food cookbooks. The art of misdirection, A. Robbins “If you could direct someone’s attention what would you do with it?” Satan is misdirecting!

Charl: or 859 3383560